Wojtek Zabolotny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi!
> I'm looking for bash 2.01 for bo (1.3.1). Preferrably the source version.
> I'd like to be able to use the Netscape's helpers [Netscape uses
> the ((command ); command) syntax which is treated by bash as corrupted
> arithmetic expression], but I don't want to upgrade to hamm.

I had a bash 2.01 for bo available for a while; however, I didn't
follow the proper version conventions when I built it, and therefore
it could screw you up if you were using it and tried to upgrade to
hamm.  I hope to re-package bash 2.01 for bo this weekend, after I get 
my bo partition up and working, following the proper version-numbering 
conventions this time - if my account has room, I'll put the source
.deb package there too.

In the mean time, a very simple solution to the "Netscape helper"
problem is to install ash, and link /bin/sh to ash instead of to bash
(just make certain that ash is installed as /bin/ash, not /usr/bin/ash 
- I forget where the bo package puts it - if ash is installed as
/usr/bin/ash, cp it to /bin/ash before linking it).

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