
According to /var/log/syslog, my cron was working all day on Feb 8 (the 
day I upgraded to hamm), and stopped working the following morning when 
I rebooted.  /var/log/syslog now shows that crontab edits, removals, 
and lists work fine, and I've reviewd my crontab entries with 
diligence, however restarting crontab consistently "fails":

localhost crontab[951]: (kotsya) LIST (kotsya) 
localhost crontab[971]: (kotsya) REPLACE (kotsya)
localhost crontab[971]: (kotsya) END EDIT (kotsya) 
localhost /usr/sbin/cron[1520]: (CRON) STARTUP (fork ok)
localhost /usr/sbin/cron[1520]: (CRON) STAT FAILED (/etc/cron.d)

One thing that seems unusual is that there is no /etc/cron.d, as syslog 
complains (above), so I'm wondering if this may have resulted from the 
hamm upgrade.  I've reviewd the upgrade document, but see no mention of 
it.  I have all the proper startup scripts in /etc/rc*.d/ for cron 
(just like anacron).  Also, anacron works fine.

I've done quite a bit of research on this, including looking at bug reports, 
change docs, README's, upgrade docs, man pages.  I've updated packages many 
times since Feb 8. Does anyone know why this might be happening?
D a v i d   S t e r n                          
                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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