On 22 Feb 1998, Carey Evans wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Beattie) writes:
> > Is it at all possible to beep the PC Speaker via bash? or perl... or
> > whatever? 
> > 
> > What I want to do is set up my ip-up script, so that fetchmail is run from
> > it, and there is some sort of notification when it is complete.. i.e. a
> > double beep or something.
> I put this in my ip-up:
> /usr/bin/bplay /usr/local/share/ppp/interweb.wav
> where bplay is from the bplay package, and interweb.wav is a Babylon 5
> sample I downloaded from somewhere ("Commencing Interweb Link", from
> `A Spider in the Web' IIRC).
> You need a sound card working for this, of course.

Hmmmm.. that is another answer :)

                       Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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