
        Sorry for taking so long in replying.
> Ugly solution: I'm running my RA 2.50/Bink 2.60/IMAIL 1.75/Squish 1.10
> system under dosemu on Debian 1.3.
> I just unplugged the hard drive from my DOS BBS machine and plugged
> it into my Linux box, mounted all the drives, set up dosemu
> to map them in as DOS drives and off it goes.

        I was tempted to do that, but somebody told me that dosemu hangs
every two days or so of continous use. Is that true?

Salutacions, Pere       ----  __o         mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  2:343/108.91       -----  _`\<;_       http://casal.upc.es/~pere/
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