Sorry if this is not specifically Debian related (but this seems
to be a wholely polite mail-list - a rarity lately).  I have an
up-to-date hamm installation.  I sometimes work on a RedHat machine
(through an 'X-terminal' Sun running Sparc linux).  When I edit
a LaTeX file on this RedHat machine with xemacs, I get a LaTeX
menu when I right-click. Also, xemacs has  'command' and 'LaTeX'
pull-down menus in this situation. On my hamm machine (in my office
and at home), I get no such menu when editing a LaTeX file.  How do
I go about changing this?

(I tend to use debian as a turn-key system and still am not a big
fan of 'info'.)

Thanks for any assistance,

Paul Rightley

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