I have a sound card Aztech SGBXII...i've compiled new kernel with
sound support built-in (no module). when i was trying to compile
this as a module i can't stard sound. alltime messages no such device
(but i've had module sound loaded). with sound built-in kernel al is 
good..but i can't play mp3, mid,mod..only wave,au.
i was trying with all packages from bo/sound..and only splay,bplay and
saytime i can use. and i haven't any ideas how to do it,and what i'm dooing
baI have a sound card Aztech SGBXII...i've compiled new kernel with
sound support built-in (no module). when i was trying to compile
this as a module i can't stard sound. alltime messages no such device
(but i've had module sound loaded). with sound built-in kernel al is 
good..but i can't play mp3, mid,mod..only wave,au.
i was trying with all packages from bo/sound..and only splay,bplay and
saytime i can use. and i haven't any ideas how to do it,and what i'm doing

                                             Wojciech Zukowski
PGP-key ID: C27D2715              htpp://www.kkiem.mech.pg.gda.pl/~wojtek
    Smierc jest najwierniejsza kochanka, jako jedyna czeka do samego konca.

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