
I am currently using hamm and am very happy with it.  I will be
installing a new Linux system soon but everyone is telling me to install
RedHat 5.  Has anyone any opinions on this?  I tend to be partial to
Debian, especially with GNOME being integrated into hamm.  However, I've
never used Redhat.

Also, I've been advised that RedHat puts out security fixes the next day
after a CERT advisory is released.  How is Debian when it comes to
security and other patches?  When I was using bo, patches weren't released
very often.  Is this an indication that RedHat is more buggy, or is it an
indication that Debian is more stable?  For example, when the CERT
advisory for SSH-AGENT was release over a week ago, one of the OSes that
responded to the CERT advisory was RedHat.  Much to my dismay, Debian
wasn't one of the OSes that was mentioned on the CERT list.  I ended up
compiling SSH on my own.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or tips.


Ossama Othman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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