On Wed, 25 Feb 1998, Dale Harrison wrote:

> Can someone else out there in Debianland confirm this?
> IMAP4-4.1 won't delete messages. It might be a new feature or something, but
> as there was no dox with it, it's hard to tell.
> I downgraded to IMAP4-4 and everything's hunky dory.

IMAP4-4.1 gave me trouble too.  However, since I started having problems
with IMAP, POP3, and smail simultaneously, I assumed the problem was
with smail, and didn't bother downgrading IMAP4.  After reading your
message I did, and my problems are gone.  Outlook Express gives a warning
that I need an IMAP 4 rev 1 server, but works fine.

Using IMAP4-4.1, my symptoms are different from yours.  When I run
Outlook Express, it downloads the message headers, and then
immediately says "your server has unexpectedly terminated the
connection".  If I use the arrow keys fast enough so that the server is
kept busy sending the message bodies, the connection does not get
terminated, until it's no longer busy, at which point it is immediately
terminated.  From then on, I cannot download additional message bodies
or delete messages because I'm not connected to the server; actually
I can download a message by clicking on its header and then selecting
file/connect, which downloads the message and then gives the
"unexpectedly terminated" message again.

Further on the subject of IMAP4, I'm not sure of the best way to access
messages on both the host and the PC.  What I do now is, since accessing
my mail from the PC causes the messages to be transferred from
/var/spool/mail/david to ~david/mbox, I set up procmail to send all
unfiltered mail to that file, and set up pine to use that file as its
default inbox.  This seems to work great, but I only set it up yesterday.
One minor annoyance; if I read a message on one system it's still unread
on the other.

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