Trying to get adm working with my sgi net running autofs. move auto_map table in pointed adm at it, tells me that it is having problem with the fs type. I think I'm just having a syntax problem, do I have to tweek the autofs table? or the cmd line (amd -D ?) or what. I found lots of info, but no examples of how that info is to be used. For instance, I'm told the linux version of amd requires a fs type to be entered which can be used with Opt= or type:=, but I don't know where to put this opt or type...... If somone out there knows could you please send some examples?
Thanks much Bruce Dobrin Multi Media Dept. Sony Pictures Imageworks 310-840-8412 "..... there are really two groups, The Idealists and the Cynics. ... The Cynics believe everybody is corrupt; where the Idealists believe everyone is corrupt EXCEPT THEMSELVES. Ultimatly you're probably safer with the cynics." -Robert Anton Wilson -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .