On Fri, 27 Feb 1998, Ossama Othman wrote:

: Hi,
: > Hmmm, I just upgraded some hamm packages (don't remember which, but they
: > changed in the last few days) and now my syslog gets
: > 
: > Feb 27 12:55:14 mu -- MARK --
: > 
: > in it every 20 minutes.  Anybody else getting this?
: Yes, I am.  I get it before and after the cron runq entry.  Incidentally,
: is there anyway to shut off the cron entries on my xconsole too?  I looked
: at my syslog.conf but it seems like everything that might cause it is
: commented out.
: TIA, too.
: -Ossama

(I'm running hamm current as of sometime yesterday ...)

The default xconsole line looks like this:

        *.=notice;*.=warn       |/dev/xconsole

What have you commented out?

Nathan Norman
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