I am going to install Debian on a system that may require alot of swap
   space.  According to the Debian installation notes, Linux only uses up to
   128MB of swap space.  I've been also told that Linux can handle more.
   Which is correct?

There is a 128MB limit for each swap area.  You can have as many swap
areas as you want; for instance, I have three 128MB areas, one on each
of my three hard drives:

blp:/raid/home/blp$ free -t
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:        127924     114392      13532      28972      41152      42572
-/+ buffers/cache:      30668      97256
Swap:       387780         40     387740
Total:      515704     114432     401272

You can see that I indeed have more than 128MB swap :-)

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