FIRST--READ the Linux-Win95 HOWTOs!!

I do have, nor have I ever had Win95 on any machine that I own or
control however...

When you re-installed Win95, it appears that Win95 rewrote the mbr
(Master Boot Record) on your hard disk.  This means that the code that
lilo installed there was 'blown away' by Win95.

You can replace this code by booting from the rescue or installation
disk, or a maintenance disk (if you produced one).  I am a bit reluctant
to give you the following because by my NOT having read the above
mentioned HOWTOs I could be telling you something that will work for
lilo but still be the wrong thing for you to do.  So again, I caution
you that you if you do what I am describing without confirming that the
HOWTO that address the Win95/Linux coexistance say that this is an OK
thing to do then you are making a mistake...

After answering the first couple of questions (if using the rescue/
installation disk--ie:  color monitor, keyboard), then hit alt-F2 to go
to the second console.  Type 'mount -t ext2 /dev/hdaX /target' (note
that /dev/hdaX is the drive and partition where your Linux root
partition is located.  If Win95 was re-installed to the same partition
that it was on when you installed Linux then your /etc/lilo.conf file
should still be correct.

Type 'lilo -t -r /target'

This will cause lilo to use your Linux hard disk installation's file
(the -r /target) and the -t will cause lilo to process the files WITHOUT
making any changes.  If there are errors however, lilo with tell you
about them.  If there are no errors, then 
type:  'lilo -S -r /target' and lilo will rewrite the mbr.
The '-S' is to tell lilo to save the current mbr even though there is a
saved mbr already.  You normally would never use this option to lilo
except for the situation that you currently have.

Abou Anber wrote:
> Dear Sir :
>       First I have windows 95 system and I installed Debian system.
> After I installed debian system I can choose through lilo which system
> I want start. After some time Some problem was occured in windows 95,
> which make me reinstall windows 95 again. At that time lilo don't work.
> How can I activate it.
> or How can I choose between windows 95 and Linux.
> Many thanks
> Abou ANber
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