On Mon, 2 Mar 1998, Leszek Gerwatowski wrote:

> > In the latest (hamm) pine 3.96L-2,  I am getting asked (today, March 1)
> > the question:
> > 
> > To save disk space, delete old SENT mail folder "sent-mail-jan-1998" ?
> > 
> > everytime I execute pine.  Formerly it was only asked once at the
> > beginning of each month (maybe it will go away tomorrow!).
> > 
> > I checked both ~/.pinerc and /etc/pine.conf and neither has anything
> > specified for pruned-folders.  Is there a way to stop this?
> I noticed it also. Solution: change owner of your ~/.pinerc file. It's
> owned by root (I don't know why) and it cannot be changed by normal user
> (pine checks date of this file and if it's older than 1 month - it's
> from month different than actual? - it asks about sent-mail* folders).

Thanks, that fixed it.  Funny though, it only changed ownership for my
login account, not for the others on my system.


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