In bigears.lists.debian.user,  Ralph Winslow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


>When, having brought in kernel-source for 2.0.32 on my bo system, I:
>cd /usr/src/linux;make-kpkg
>a lot of compiling happens (after I answer the config questions)
>and the command
>ld -m elf_i386 ... -o vmlinux
>executes, but aborts with
>/bin/ls: invalid tab size: text
>can any kind soul give ma a clue?  I'm near the point of re-partitioning
>and re-installing from the top, but I'd prefer to figure this out.
>Ralph Winslow                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Mary bought a pair of skates
>upon the ice to frisk
>now wasn't that a crazy way
>her sweet young *?
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