(I got no feedback on this one, I think it might not have gone
through. Reposting.)


since I installed netscape with the (excelent) .deb package, instead
of by hand, as I was doing before, I had the extra benefit of having a
mumber of applications put as plug-ins for netscape, wich is great,
since I do not have to download many pdfs in order to read them. But
in life, "not everything is perfect", as I use to say, and I'm having
problems. Looks like in some pages, when some of these plug-ins are
"used", they do not behave well, and cause many many many many many
uncontrolled windows to bomb me screen, some of them tiny, many of
them with Xlib error messages, some of them about the inability to
access /dev/dsp (obvious why: I don't have a sound card). 

The bottom line is that it comes that the only way out of that is
killing netscape, which also only will take the -9 signal as good

The only way to access this pages is "erasing" the plugins-list file
inside .netscape, and creating a empty one (else it recreates it). 

I *think* this behavior has to do with the midi, but I'm not sure...

This is a page that causes such behavior:


Another thing that messes things up are some animations, like in the
titanic movie site (http://www.titanicmovie.com). The animations
that are shown do not look right, and some of them crash netscape.

In the end a list of my plug-ins. Does anyone know what can be causing
this? Insn't it correct to disable the sound plugins if the user does
not have a sound card?

Thanks a lot!

    Installed plug-ins
    For more information on Netscape plug-ins, click here.

                                       Plugger 2.2 (streaming)

 File name: /usr/lib/netscape/plugins/plugger-2.2-linux-elf.so

 Plugger version 2.2, written by Fredrik Hübinette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

      Mime Type              Description                     Suffixes Enabled
  audio/x-mpegurl MPEG  music resource locator                    m3u    Yes
   audio/mpegurl MPEG   music resource locator                    m3u    Yes
 audio/x-mpeg-url MPEG  music resource locator                    m3u    Yes
  audio/mpeg-url MPEG   music resource locator                    m3u    Yes
image/x-sun-raster        SUN raster image                        rs     Yes
 image/sun-raster         SUN raster image                        rs     Yes
    image/x-png              PNG image                            png    Yes
     image/png               PNG image                            png    Yes
    image/x-tiff            TIFF image                      tiff, tif    Yes
     image/tiff             TIFF image                      tiff, tif    Yes
    audio/x-wav           Microsoft wave file                     wav    Yes
     audio/wav            Microsoft wave file                     wav    Yes
   audio/x-basic           Basic audio file                   au, snd    Yes
    audio/basic            Basic audio file                   au, snd    Yes
    audio/x-psid          Commodore 64 audio           psid, sid, dat    Yes
     audio/psid           Commodore 64 audio           psid, sid, dat    Yes
   audio/x-mpeg               MPEG audio              mpa, abs, mpega    Yes
    audio/mpeg                MPEG audio              mpa, abs, mpega    Yes
  audio/x-mpeg3               MPEG audio                          mp3    Yes
    audio/mpeg3               MPEG audio                          mp3    Yes
  audio/x-mpeg2               MPEG audio                          mp2    Yes
    audio/mpeg2               MPEG audio                          mp2    Yes
    audio/x-mod        Soundracker audio Module                   mod    Yes
     audio/mod         Soundracker audio Module                   mod    Yes
    audio/x-midi            MIDI audio file                 midi, mid    Yes
     audio/midi             MIDI audio file                 midi, mid    Yes
  video/x-msvideo            AVI animation                        avi    Yes
   video/msvideo             AVI animation                        avi    Yes
   video/x-anim              IFF animation   iff, anim5, anim3, anim7    Yes
    video/anim               IFF animation   iff, anim5, anim3, anim7    Yes
 video/x-sgi-movie           SGI animation            movie, movi, mv    Yes
  video/sgi-movie            SGI animation            movie, movi, mv    Yes
     video/x-dl              DL animation                          dl    Yes
      video/dl               DL animation                          dl    Yes
     video/x-fli             FLI animation                   fli, flc    Yes
      video/fli              FLI animation                   fli, flc    Yes
 video/x-quicktime        Quicktime animation                 mov, qt    Yes
  video/quicktime         Quicktime animation                 mov, qt    Yes
   video/x-mpeg              MPEG animation            mpeg, mpg, mpe    Yes
    video/mpeg               MPEG animation            mpeg, mpg, mpe    Yes

       Netscape Default Plugin

      File name: /usr/lib/netscape/plugins/libnullplugin.so

      The default plugin handles plugin data for mimetypes and extensions that 
are not specified and facilitates
      downloading of new plugins.

       Mime Type          Description    Suffixes   Enabled
           *               All types        *         Yes

       RealVideo Player plugin

 File name: /usr/lib/netscape/plugins/nppdf.so

 This plugin handles Real Audio and Real Video streams.

       Mime Type          Description               Suffixes   Enabled
     application/pdf   Portable Document Format        pdf       Yes

                       RealVideo Player plugin

 File name: /usr/lib/netscape/plugins/librvplayer.so

 This plugin handles Real Audio and Real Video streams.

          Mime Type               Description                Suffixes   Enabled
  audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin   RealPlayer(tm) as Plug-in       rpm     No

Luiz Otavio L. Zorzella                 Product Engineer
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          http://www.conexware.com

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