Ok, this is a BIG nasty weird problem.
I'm runnig Debian With default Kernel 2.0.29
I grabbed Kernel 2.0.33 from ftp.kernel.org
and did the following steps:
tar zpfxv linux_2.0.33.tar.gz
cd linux
make mrproper
make menuconfig
make dep
make clean
make zlilo
make modules
make modules_install

Now, on ANY other machine.. doing a uname -a or checking /proc/version I'd
have Linux 2.0.33 blah lah lah... But not on this box... it's still saying
2.0.29. Now I left the machine running for an hour.. and still.. 2.0.29..
so I rebooted.. still 2.0.29.. I copied the kernel I compiled to a disk
and boot the disk in another machine.. kernel 2.0.33. Now I check the
'screwed' machine by attacking it with land/teardrop to see if it was just
a version screw up and it was really running 2.0.33 just not reporting
it.. and it bombed. so it's still running 2.0.29. does anyone hve ANY
ideas about this? I have recompiled, reinstalled, reunpacked and
redownloaded the kernel multiple times and it still will nt update.

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