On Wed, 4 Mar 1998, Nelson Posse Lago wrote:

> On the same line, I think the new (2.1.x) kernel-supported NFS server is
> supposed to have the hooks necessary to implement a really cool lockd for
> linux which would solve this kind of problem and allow for reliable NFS
> locking among linux and other Unixes etc. Quite misteriously, I don't see
> mentions to this when people talk about the improvements of the new
> kernels, why is that? And is the lockd really being developed? If so,
> should I expect it to be available when the newer kernel "freezes"?

My understanding is that nfs locking is not part of the new nfs
server.  There is some work being done on a lockd daemon but it seems
to be a low priority.  See:


Jean Pierre

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