Hi All!

I have managed to promote Debian in a small but expanding firm (currently a
dozen systems). They have old Novell Net and Samba at the moment, but they
like Linux and want to change somehow. They allow me to give them a wishlist
for a Debian System, and they'll buy it, and now I really need some help

TASKS: File Server, Print Server, Internet Connection per ISDN (so this
would work as a Gateway & Firewall) (light load), File Backup, and probably
to be used at Workstation, too (login, probably with X for Windows)

If you could take a quick look at the following lists and comment on it, I
would be very grateful.

Pentium >= 166, probably not so important
RAM     >= 64, probably more (96?, 128?)
SCSI discs, 2 or more each 2-4 GB. Is buslogic available in Germany? Other
                                   good brands?
Mainboard ASUS
Normal architecture or PS/2 (is PS/2 well supported?)
What is a good Graphic card (they'll need a good one) is Matrox Millenium
well supported? Other brands?
What is a good backup device?
What is a good network card (they will switch to a faster network soon, at the
moment they use NE2000 compatible cards, but I recall something with 100Mbps
or so).

There was a ISDN producer who support Linux, can someone recall the name?
    (If not, ISDN Teles 16.3 will certainly work)

Other things (as CD-ROM, Monitor, etc) I do not expect problems with. Should I?

Thank you very much for your input!

"Rhubarb is no Egyptian god."        Debian GNU/Linux        finger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann                   http://www.debian.org    master.debian.org
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