On Thu, Mar 05, 1998 at 09:16:30AM +0200, Ionut Borcoman wrote:
> Hi,
> 3.
> When I play my audio CDs, very often the CD is jumping (like with an old
> LP). Under Win95 everything is fine. Also, if I use soft eject, the CD
> eject and immediately close !
> Question: Where can I find a good free audio CD player software ?

xmcd is a fine debian package. It supports lots of CD-ROM's and can pull the
information about the CD (name and titles) out of the net if you are
connected ;)

> 4.
> Question: Where can I find a good free FAX software ?
> 5.
> Question: Where can I find a good free ANSWERING MACHINE software ?

For both you will probably need the mgetty package, so take a look at it.
Maybe the documentation has a pointer.

> 6.
> I have some packages from the net that are tar.gziped.
> Question: How do I integrate them in the dselect (to be able to upgrade
> them, etc.)?

Better put them under /usr/local.

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