
Has anyone got Q2 working in hamm with ref_soft or ref_gl?

Under X I have it working nice (except joystick..) but with 
anything else just a segfault after 'loading ref_gl.so...'.
Strace show it opening ld-linux.so.2 and after that a few 
mmaps and after a mprotect - booom. 
I've tried every version of Q2, several versions of Mesa and 
glide, 4 kernels, several versions of libc5 and 6, debian versions
and self-compiled. I've killed gpm and so on, read every FAQ 
I could find, searched with every single resource I know. 

I have bfris and bzflag working well with 3dfx. 

I'd be grateful, if anyone has a working system, so 
we could compare.


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