Stephen Carpenter wrote:

> actually you don't have to convert them
> get a package called xfstt
> it is a font server for true type fonts
> just compile it....bring over the windows fonts and put them in
> /var/lib/ttfonts
> then run xfstt --sync
> then run xfstt &
> then just edit XF86Config to include that font server
> and run X
> its that easy ( have to go get xfstt and compile/install
> it
> there might even be a debian not sure....I got it from
> source and compiled it)
> unfortunatly itr doesn;t come with any fonts since alot of TTFs come
> with really
> braindead copyright licences...but the standard windows TTFs work fine
> it works GREAT
> -Steve

xfstt is available as a debian package, and works just fine!


Kevin Cave. A Scotsman living in London, but may move to Japan.
Registered Linux User #64441

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