On Tue, Mar 10, 1998 at 08:44:33AM -0600, Jeff Noxon wrote:
> There is no rpath.  This is a message I got back from their tech support
> people.  Can anyone think of a workaround?  I hate to go back to bo.
> -- cut here --
> However, because libpthread.0.5 and libpthread.0.6 cannot usefully coexist
> on the same system (since they have the same major version number) and
> libpthread.0.6 is linked to libc.6, the set of libraries needed by Velocis
> is not completely provided by the backward compatibility set of libraries.
> While this problem could probably have been worked around by a change in
> the linkage of some libraries to Velocis,

I suspect this means: link the required libc5 pthread in statically. 

> it would have been of minimal value.  This is the case because Velocis
> libraries are 'libc.5' libraries themselves and any database application
> requiring them would have to be built in a complete 'libc.5' development
> environment (i.e., compiler configuration, include files, libraries).
> While some piecemeal upgraded systems may have such a configuration, the
> distributions of the new versions of Linux (e.g., Red Hat 5.0) do not
> appear to include all the necessary components.

I disagree with this statement. Debian 2.0 will have packages to run
_and develop_ libc5 binaries. If Red Hat doesn't, that's their problem.
Debian users should not suffer because of Red Hat developer's decisions 
to omit this capability.

LEADERSHIP  A form of self-preservation exhibited by people with auto-
destructive imaginations in order to ensure that when it comes to the crunch 
it'll be someone else's bones which go crack and not their own.       
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan    

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