howdy all.....:-) 
Just installed Debian linux and win95 on a system and wish to have dual boot   
system with LILO as boot manager. 
cfdisk shows: 
/dev/hda1  Boot Primary Dos FAT16  (has Win95 installed on it) 
/dev/hda5       Logical Linux 
/dev/hda6       Logical Linux Swap 
If I run LILO and tell it to generate a new /etc/lilo.conf and then answer: 
Install a partition boot record to boot linux from /dev/hda5?    yes 
Install a master boot record on /dev/hada                        yes 
Make /dev/hda5 the active partition?                             yes 
then LILO will generate the following error message: 
5: not a valid partition number (1-4) 
If I answer yes to the first two questions but no for the third the system   
can only boot with boot linux I must use my emergency disk. 
Any suggestions on why this is happening? 
Question:  Should the partitions have been installed as hda1, hda2 and hda3   
or is the hda1, hda5 and hda6 sequence normal? 
Question:  If the sequence is not normal, this may explain why LILO is   
barfing; is there anyway to change the Name(s) hda5 and hda6 to hda2 and   
hda3 without having to run fdisk all over again and therefore having to do a   
complete re-install of the linux partitions and OS? 
your comments on this problem would be much appreciated (and that's putting   
it mildly at this particular point in time after 2 days of trying to figure   
this problem out!! <grin>).......thanks. :-) 

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