
        In fvwm2, you can set your key bindings to do something like
 Key F10   R    A    Prev [*] Focus
 Key F11   R    A    Next [*] Focus

  Current [conditions] command
         Performs command on the current window if it satisfies all
         conditions.  Conditions include "Iconic", "!Iconic",
         "Visible", "!Visible", "Sticky", "!Sticky", "Maximized",
         "!Maximized", "Transient", "!Transient", "Raised", "!Raised",
         "CurrentDesk", "CurrentPage", and "CurrentPageAnyDesk".  In
         addition, the condition may include a window name to match
         to.  The window name may include the wildcards * and ?.  The
         window name, icon name, class, and resource will be
         considered when attempting to find a match.  The window name
         can begin with !  which will prevent command if any of the
         window name, icon name, class or resource match.
  Next [conditions] command
         Performs command (typically Focus) on the next window which
         satisfies all conditions.  Conditions are the same as for
         Current with the addition of CirculateHit which overrides
         the CirculateSkip style attribute and CirculateHitIcon which
         overrides the CirculateSkipIcon style attribute for iconified
  None [arguments] command
         Performs  command  if no window which satisfies all
         conditions exists.  Conditions are the same as  for
  Prev   Performs command (typically Focus) on the  previous
         window  which satisfies all conditions.  Conditions
         are the same as for Next.

   The special symbols $w and $0 through $9 are available in the
   ComplexFunctions or Macros, or whatever you want to call them.
   Within a macro, $w is expanded to the window-id (expressed in hex,
   i.e.  0x10023c) of the window for which the macro was called.  $0
   though $9 are the arguments to the macro, so if you call
        Key F10   R    A    Function MailFunction xmh "-font fixed"
   and MailFunction is
        AddToFunc MailFunction     "I" Next [$0] Iconify -1
        +                          "I" Next [$0] focus
        +                          "I" None [$0] Exec $0 $1
   Then the last line of the function becomes
        +                          "I" None [xmh] Exec xmh -font fixed
   The expansion is performed as the function is executed, so you can
   use the same function with all sorts of different arguments.  I
   could use
        Key F11   R    A    Function MailFunction zmail "-bg pink"
   in the same .fvwm2rc, if I wanted.  An example of using $w is:
        AddToFunc PrintFunction         "I" Raise
        +                               "I" Exec xdpr -id $w
   Note that $$ is expanded to $.

 "I have two very rare photographs: one is a picture of Houdini
 locking his keys in his car; the other is a rare photograph of Norman
 Rockwell beating up a child." Steven Wright
Manoj Srivastava  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
Key C7261095 fingerprint = CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E

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