Sounds like it will work fine
I belive by UDMA it means Ultra-DMA on the IDE controller....
thats fine...if linux doesn't suport it then it just wont use it
(btw I believe the drive has to also support it)
then again....Linux probably does suport might be handeled completely in
(I dunno....I am not really sure what Ultra-DMA is just that it will work)
I use a Generic S3 ViRGE it works great
I love running Xwindows in 1024x768 32 bit color
the whole setup sounds nice (btw I also use a K6 processor but only a 200 )
what RAM you thinking?
I would suggest at LEAST 32 MB.....
I have found 16 works but...32 Helps ALOT
(I should be at 128MB within a week ::fingers crossed:: )
btw you CAN run off 8 MB but....only recommended for masochists
(yes I know linux handles its memory in a very efficeant manner compared to many
and on a 486..and just in text mode...8-16 MB works fine,....but ....if you 

even think of running somethin like netscape....maybe im just spoiled)

Ender Wigin wrote:

> Hi,
> I am looking at a new computer for my parrents to get me for college... I
> looked at the hardware howto but somethings arn't listed.... so heres
> what I am looking at getting.
> Tiger K6233 customize it yourself kit.
> it contains:
> a ATX motherboard with the VIA 590vp2 chipset... can anyone tell me if
> this will work with debian? ... it says it suports UDMA which AFAIK in not
> suported by linux ... the motherboard uses a award bios... does anyone out
> there have one of these mobo's... can I turn of UDMA?
> a Generic S3 Virge video card ... will most of these work?
> will a udma hard drive work in ide mode ...
> the other hard drive I am looking at uses the interface mode called
> "EIDE mode 4" what is this and will it work?
> -Thanks.
> -K
> Kevin Poorman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <>
> Do the Free-Ride <>
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