On Sun, Apr 19, 1998 at 01:27:48AM +0000, Rev. Joseph Carter wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 19, 1998 at 12:42:43AM +1000, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> > > In .muttrc I have:
> > > 
> > > set hostname="earthlink.net"      # my DNS domain
> > > set use_from                      # always generate the `From:' header 
> > > field
> > Thanks for your help. Although this will certainly work, I'd ideally
> > like a proper solution rather than just a workaround. I assume
> > that you've had the same problem then, since you have implemented this?
> > It worked fine here with smail. 
> So far as the docs said, this IS the proper solution.  Do this or mutt
> relies on the mailer to set the from headers.  While this works, it's not
> a good thing for dialup connectivity with dynamic IP.
> This seems to be the Right Way To Do It.

Hmmm. I consider it broken to have to specify the FQDN for the mail
sub-system in more than one location. mutt should either not need
to know (I prefer it did), or be able to determine it itself.

Right now, I have one box running mutt-i 0.91.1i-1 with smail, and another running mutt (non-i) 0.91.1 also, with exim.
The latter does not get the hostname correct, the former does.
Yet I have had someone else tell me it doesn't work for them with smail.

Something strange is happening somewhere.

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