If you poke around the RC5 page, there is (or was) a page with links to
other distributed computing projects, includeing some that looked to me
quite nifty: finding abelian (whatever they are if I spelled it right)
groups (which I suppose are of interest to number theorists), other mathy
things, and SETA at home, which struck me as something of a pulicity stunt
but cool nonetheless, where you sign your computer up and it gets fed data
from a listening station which you machine then performs Fourier transform
on and looks for all kinds of complicated signals with internal phase
drift and everything, which I guess makes it enough of a computing job
that the network can keep up (but they must have a pretty flashy central

GNU GPL: "The Source will be with you... always."

Britton Kerin

On Wed, 29 Apr 1998, Kiyan Azarbar wrote:

> The following is a part of a message on the Ottawa-Carleton LUG list:
> Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 12:01:14 -0400 (EDT)
> To: Ottawa Carlton Linux Users Group <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [oclug] Distributed Computing effort(s)
> ...
> I'd like to get involved in some kind of distributed computing effort to
> chew up the idle cycles of my CPU... I'm looked at distributed.net and
> gone over the list, but there were some not listed there I heard spoken
> about on the list awhile ago.
> I'm not interested in spinning my system's wheels (so to speak) on the RCS
> now. I was involved for the previous attack on it, and would like to move
> on to something else...
> The one that most interests me right now I beleive was (I think it was our
> good Doctor even who mentioned it, although I could be wrong) aiding with
> stellar traces (or something to do with the stars anyway)... I did not see
> this one on distributed.net (they seem to only have the various encrytion
> attacks right now)
> ... (author name withheld)
> ______________________
> I was wondering if anyone on this list had heard of such a thing. If
> so, please contact me. I will of course pass on the information to the 
> original poster. I'm crossposting to this list because I am very
> curious, and I figure a wider readership may be able to help more.
> -- 
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   A scientific truth does not triumph by convincing
>   A. Kiyan Azarbar  its opponents and making them see the light, but
>   Ottawa, Canada    rather because its opponents eventually die and a
>   Linux 2.0.32      new generation grows up that is familiar with it.
>   1024/0x9A9EC5EA   4F3ADBDA1EE5850209DD8BB205250ED2F696A7BE ^- Max Planck

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