Tom Allison said:
> nate wrote:
>> no username, no password anywhere ..its quite handy.
> what is to prevent anyone else from using it?

ACLs(access control lists), cyrus may be the only one of the major
MTAs to impliment them, I'm not sure. You can read up on them here:

you *can* provide anonymous permissions, but by default only the
"user" associated with the account gets permissions. So for each mailbox
I create, I must modify the acl to give my primary account full access
to it.

the advantage of this also comes into play with shared folders. You
can make a generic folder for everyone to use(or a group of people),
and grant them access individually. e.g. a mailing list which everyone
wants to read, subscribe 1 inbox, provide everyone access to it, everyone
would have read, list, rights(the system maintains an internal list of
read messages for each user), and only allow some users write access, or
delete access(or you could allow everyone).

it works well, I like the system a lot.


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