On Thu, 7 May 1998, Peter Prohaska wrote:

> > I'm trying to get smail to work with an include file for aliases.
> > My line in my aliases is as follows:
> > 
> > everybody::include:/etc/smail/blobs
>           ^^^^
> If I´m correct, there is one ":" too much.

Hmmm, with only one it complains it cannot open output file, which I don't
want it to, do I? The file is definately world readable, should it be
owned by mail maybe?

> > |------------------------- Message log follows: -------------------------|
> >  no valid recipients were found for this message
> > |------------------------- Failed addresses follow: ---------------------|
> >  :include:/etc/smail/blobs ... failed: unknown user
> That even tells you that the alias-driver didn´t resolv the include.

Yep, I wonder why though, 'cause I followed everything in the man pages (I
hope ;-)
> Can´t remember where exactly you can read about it, but "apropos smail"
> and the doc/smail folder should be enough.

Cool, I found apropos! That's pretty cool! I wonder how many other useful
programs I've got hiding on my system!

Thanks for your help, but it still doesn't work :-(


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