Hi. I was wondering if anyone else had had this problem. It seems
really major. If I'm in console mode, then switch back to X with
alt-f7, and then move the mouse in anticipation of X showing up, it
very often crashes X. The whole thing just comes down and xdm

I don't know how else to explain it, but I've only had these problems
since I upgraded to hamm. I'm running the SVGA server since I have a
Mystique. It's very disconcerting... sometimes I just lose everything.

Also, today, in bash, I was entering a really long command with a lot
of tab completion, and once it hit about two lines full, the whole
computer froze. I couldn't even telnet in from the other machines on
the home LAN here. I could ping my machine (it responded)but telnet,
although connected, did nothing. 

Any help on these matters appreciated, especially the first one, as it 
happens to me A LOT. I usually switch to X, then wait for about two
seconds, then timidly move the mouse to make sure it doesn't
crash. That's quite pathetic.

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   A scientific truth does not triumph by convincing
  A. Kiyan Azarbar  its opponents and making them see the light, but
  Ottawa, Canada    rather because its opponents eventually die and a
  Linux 2.0.32      new generation grows up that is familiar with it.
  1024/0x9A9EC5EA   4F3ADBDA1EE5850209DD8BB205250ED2F696A7BE ^- Max Planck

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