"KLS" == Kenneth L Summers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  >> Hi, Ken!
  >> I post this message again, as there were some problems with listserver.

  KLS> I think it might have gotten lost at this end... we have a non-Linux mail
  KLS> server :)

  >> > component in the cluster within 2 hours.  I have since found out 
  >> > to this list that the dpkg utility helps to make this chore a lot 
  >> > if you learn to use the command line interface (silly me).
  >> > 
  >> Could you please give more details about that.  Imagine I need to update 
  >> package (perl for example) on 6 nodes simultaneously, what do I do?

  KLS> It was posted a week or so ago, but here's what they said:

  KLS> a) Install one machine with all the packages you like.

  KLS> b) Get the selection with
  KLS> dpkg --get-selections > my.selection

  KLS> c) Install the next machine
  KLS> Quit dselect after you specified the access method

  KLS> d) Add the selection from the other machine with 
  KLS> cat my.selection | dpkg --set-selections

  KLS> e) Run dselect to install the files  Or if you need batch mode
  KLS> mount /pub/debian under /mnt and then
  KLS> cd /mnt
  KLS> dpkg -iGROEB hamm/hamm hamm/contrib hamm/non-free

  KLS> I suppose this assumes you're installing hamm (the last command anyway).

  KLS> What I had done is write a script that would take as input a status file
  KLS> from the machine I want to clone, the status file of the newly installed 
  KLS> machine, and produced a status file that would cause dselect/install to
  KLS> install or remove whatever was necessary.  This kind of fiddling with the
  KLS> system makes me nervous, though.

  KLS> Hope that helps.

  KLS> Ken

  Here, i have 85 PC to install. And the method i will try will be
slighty different (note: it will only work in a network, with a
local mirror):

        1) Install the first machine (just floppy install).

        2) Run dselect and set up my selection.

        3) Write a shell script, dpkg-record, something like :

           for i in <list-of-packages>
                tee $i.install.log | dpkg -i $i

           ($i.install.log is my answer when a package asks me)

        4) Modify the dinstall script on the boot floppies to not run
dselect at reboot but something like :
        mount local-mirror:/debian /mnt
        echo <name-of-the-first-machine> > /root/.rhost
        <setup tcp-wrappers, ...>

        where dpkg-replay is :

              for i in <list-of-packages>
                cat $i.install.log | dpkg -i $i


        5) whenever i install a new package on the first machine, i'll
just :

     on the first-machine: dpkg-record package.deb
     and then rsh <the-84-others-machines> dpkg-replay package.deb

     Well, i miss some glue, but you get the idea,

        Pierre Blanchet.

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