Thanks for renewing my faith in the world :-)

I had thought it may have been a language translation issue.
I have a small knowledge of German, and I pity the person
who forces me to use it ;-)

The tone of email messages is hard to determine without some
indicators such as the smile :-)

I'm glad you translated your signature.  I like it!

I've been watching the lists and there have been a good number
of people who are unwilling to help with problems, but are
quick to reply with hostile thoughts.

I am copying this to the list for two reasons:

1.) Hopefully someone else can benefit from your suggestions
(I will be working on the X setup later.  You have included
some very nice suggestions.)

2.) As a public apology for jumping to the wrong conclusion.

I guess my mind has been dulled by too much Micro$oft fluff :-)

In case anyone is interested, I did install the xserver package
with XF86Setup, and used it to get the initial configuration. I 
have also used xf86config.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Zdenek Kabelac [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 1998 12:43 PM
> To: Patrick Ouellette
> Subject: Re: If it is already fixed, don't fix it again (was RE: XDM
> doesn't work [SOLVED])
> > I don't like Windows, I suffer through it.
> If you think I'm fun of W95 here is my subcribe:
>               Odstranite-li ve Windows95 vsechny chyby
>                       budete mit prazdny disk
> in English this means:
>               If you will remove all  bugs from W95
>                       you will have empty disk
>                               :-)
> I hope this explain my relation to W95/98/NT.
> Today the computer on my right hand just destroyed its NT instalation
> by itself. Thankfully I'm only taking care of linux Debian instalation
> on this computer :-)
> > As for checking the supported cards list, I did and
> > the card I am using has support in the SVGA server.  My
> > comment was that *I* need to figure out the proper
> > mode lines to get it to work.
> It is really good idea before you buy new hardware.
> > I will assume the hostile tone of your reply is due
> Oh sorry, I'm not English native speeking person.
> But my comment should be somehow a little bit ironical.
> Maybe I could add smile :-)
> > > If you have strange video cards - well its your fault you haven't
> > > check the list of supported hw - you have to wait for new
> > > xserver or try SVGA xserver. 
> > > 
> > 
> > If we are not friendly (or at least civil) to the newbie type 
> > questions, free software is doomed to become a second class
> > techno-centric skeleton in the software closet.
> > Sorry if I seem a bit harsh, but I am tired of people
> > responding to lists with "it's your fault because you
> > bought xyz without checking" instead of trying to help
> Well I suppose I have suggested to install xserver-vga
> which provides XF86Setup and the paragraph I have added
> below was really ment as ironical comment in M$ style.
> But in my point of view - you could also first consult your
> manual page before you post some elementary questions.
> --
> Now some more advices (to be more friendly :-))
> try using this parameter in Screen section of /etc/X11/XF86Config
> instead of -bpp parametr to Xserver
> Section "Screen"
>    Driver          "SVGA"
>    Device          "Primary Card"
>    Monitor         "Primary Monitor"
>    DefaultColorDepth 15
>   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>    BlankTime       0
>    StandbyTime     10
>    SuspendTime     15
>    OffTime         20
> And my final advise use xvidtune to select the best Modeline
> on my school computer I have this lines for monitor:
> Section "Monitor"
>    Identifier      "Primary Monitor"
>    VendorName      "Unknown"
>    ModelName       "Unknown"
>    HorizSync       30-72
>    VertRefresh     50-120
>    Modeline  "1152x864"  105.00 1152 1156 1316 1474 864 865 875 887
>    Modeline  "1024x768"   90.00 1024 1032 1152 1292 768 772 775 791
>    Modeline  "640x480"    45.80 640 672 768 864 480 488 494 530 
> -hsync -vsync
> EndSection
>    Modeline  "1152x864"  105.00 1152 1156 1316 1474 864 865 875 887
>    (It has horizontal sync: 71kHz and vertikal: 80Hz - its the
>    monitors' limit.
> For my home:
> Section "Monitor"
>   Identifier    "My Monitor"
>   VendorName    "Viewsonic"
>   ModelName     "Viewsonic PT770"
>   Bandwidth     120
>   HorizSync     30-85
>   VertRefresh   50-130
>   Gamma 1.3
>   ModeLine "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"  135  1152 1152 1168 1616   900  900  911  925
> # but this mode my S3 card can't handle correctly, but monitor is OK :-) 
>   ModeLine "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"  108  1152 1152 1262 1440   900  900  911  925
> # and many others but I'm using the second one :-) its the best
> EndSection
> To get power saving working add this line to Section "Device"
>  Option          "power_saver"
> You might read a million on READMEs and HOWTOs but I suppose
> the easiest solution is to put the first number as high as you
> could (you have monitors limitation and video card limitation)
> Basicaly put some number instead of "105.00" (like 130.00)
> and try ># X
> then read those error messages - if there is no warning and you
> see picture try higher number (don't do this with old VGA monitor :-))
> When you get the highest number in which card gives you stable
> picture and monitor is display picture normaly you migh use
> xvidtune to fine tune some parameters.
> - I know its too fast description so some HOWTOs' might give
> you more precise answers, but this is the quick help.
> bye :-)
> -- 
>               Odstranite-li ve Windows95 vsechny chyby
>                       budete mit prazdny disk
>    Zdenek Kabelac   
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]         

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