Michael Beattie wrote:

> On Fri, 22 May 1998, Ionut Borcoman at musa wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > It's a little bit humorous, but I'm unable to boot back to WIn95. And my
> > boss is in a hurry ! I've played a little with the kernel and now it
> > didn't recognize the vfat2 partition. Anything else is working, just
> > this is not. I have installed the lilo and I cannot remove it. The
> > method with booting from floppy and giving fdisk /mbr doesn't work.
> >
> > Here is my lilo.conf:
> I dont want to upset you, but I _think_ you have fried your win95
> partition... I believe that your 'boot=/dev/sda1' has killed the windows
> loader... I dont know how to best explain how it works, as I dont know for
> sure...  I use 'boot=/dev/hda'  <-- no "1"

I knew when I looked at that lilo.conf something was wrong...however...it looks
like just the boot information was screwed....I think this
can be fixed....

> > boot=/dev/sda1
> > root=/dev/sda3
> > compact
> > install=/boot/boot.b
> > map=/boot/map
> > vga=normal
> > delay=20
> >
> > image=/vmlinuz
> >     label=linux
> >     read-only
> >     root=/dev/sda3
> >
> > image=/vmlinuz.old
> >     label=old
> >     read-only
> >     root=/dev/sda3
> >
> > other = /dev/sda1
> >     label=win95
> >     table = /dev/sda
> the 'other = /dev/sda1' line says "boot off of /dev/sda1", but you have
> installed LILO there, that is why you get it again...
> > It registers the win95 entry, but, if I type win95 at the LILO: prompt,
> > I just receive another LILO: prompt. Also, it will be better if the
> > Win95 will be default SO.
> When you get it going... a 'default=win95' in the section at the top will
> fix it...
> I hope this reason for your problem is not the case for you, But I have
> done this myself once, and It was not a pleasant feeling in my gut when I
> realized.

After reading all of this...here is what I would do....write down where your 
root is...
boot a windows 95 disk...you should be able to c: to get onto the hard drive.
from there fdisk /mbr
this will destroy lilo and reinstall the Win95 boot loader...
then get out your linux emergency boot disk (you do have one right?...
ig no tlook for Tom's Unix on a Floppy
(as the lsm for it says sunsite.unc.edu /pub/Linux/system/recovery
tomsrtbt- )
mount yout root partition and then cd /mnt/etc
edit lilo.conf to aply the fix above....
then lilo -C lilo.conf (from /mnt/etc)
NB: I have not done THIS specifically...This is however what I would personally 
(remember don't fdisk /mbr unless when you boot off of the floppy for win95
you can see and use the C: drive)
Good Luck...hopefully you wont need it
** Stephen Carpenter ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** [EMAIL PROTECTED] **
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 to the extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful
 and his children smart."
 -- H. L. Mencken (1880-1956)

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