Well since I'm doing it as we speak, I might as well write out what 
works, since I got all this nice help from the list with my problem, and 
in the fassion of supor models makeing their speachs ' if I had a 
hundred grand, I would buy everyone a puppy so they could feal the love 
I'm fealing now! ' except I'd give you all hamm. 

well here is how I did it (and made it work :) 

first I booted on the 1.3.1 installation disk, went through for a bare 
install (bare minumum to get on the internet) in my case that was 
configuring the eth0 device.  I gave it my debian CD and it installed 
the base system etc. Then i made mya ccounts, (after restarting) and 
when dselect came up I hit exit.  I then obtained a copy of the auto up 
to libc6 off the Debian www sight (well I ftped it from a friend)  ran 
it and upgraded my dkpg so I could then do a *working* ftp install of 
debian. at this point those of you useing PPP will have to use dselect 
and your CD to setup your PPP connection (but nothing more .. you will 
get all the other stuff from Ham.. ie no X no libs no bitchx..). Then 
when you are connected and have run the autoup.sh script (with a base 
system it should have no problems seeing as nothing is installed to 
conflict with it) then run dselect 

choose FTP 

(passive or not.. I don't go through a firewall so I use non-passive and 
no proxie)
the base dir is /debian
then when it asks you to tell it the stable non-free contrib dirs type 
dists/frozen/main dists/frozen/non-free dists/frozen/contrib 

walla enter. it should connect (if your inet works ..) adn see the dirs 
are there, then select update and wait while it grabs the package files. 
sometime along hte way it will ask you if you want to remove your old 
package lists. say yes so you can choose from a Hamm only installation.

now go through and select, when you hit installation you can leave your 
computer going for however many days its nessicery to download all that 
kewl new Hamm crap. 
the rest of the installation goes regular

This was done on a compleetly clean system. I downloaded the packages to 
/tmp deleted them afterwards and am now a happy hip ham user. 

mad pheer. 

(J. Steinbrecher)

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