Dear Debian (Linux) users,

I installed Hamm today from my Win 95 partiton (hda1) onto my Linux
partitions (hda2 /, and hda3 /usr, hda4 swap).  I beleved that I set-up PPP
correctly, following the procedure to not configure a network hook-up in
the initial install and then followed the PPP setup utility once it
rebooted (using the custom boot disk because I kept the DOS/Win95 boot
sector).  I selected no PAP or CHAP (my ISP says they don't use them) and
setup my modem correctly typed in my username and password.  Said yup
everything looks okay.  It started dialing to my surprise (hey this is
better than win95) but it said it couldn't find (the ftp
site that I told it to goto in dselect).  I then tried using ping to see if
I could ping my name server (the only decimal-quad string I knew) and no
packets got through.  I then realized that I never had to input the address
of the nameserver or my provider (  I decided to try a reinstall
(it only took me 15 min) and setup PPP with PAP the default choice (maybe
my ISP tech help was wrong?) but it still didn't work.  Can anyone help me
with this delema, what set-up do I have to do?  I am hoping to install Hamm
completely by FTP (perferibly without copying all the .deb files to my
win95 partition). Thanks for any help you can give me.

Mark Panzer

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