> From: Brian Weiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Shaleh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: Adrian Monk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, debian-user@lists.debian.org
> Subject: Re: Powerpoint equiv. for Linux?
> On Mon, 29 Jun 1998, Shaleh wrote:
> > The various office suites for Linux have slide presenters in them.  I am
> > fairly sure that both Star Office and Applixware do.  There may also be
> > a generic slide tool presenter.  However I am sure the GUI lacks a great
> > deal compared to a professional office.  These office suites are NOT
> > free, but they are not that expensive either.
> > 
> StarOffice 4.0 is still free. Check out http://www.stardivision.com. I've
> never tried Applixware but from what I've seen and heard StarOffice is the
> best Office suite around for Linux. Good luck finding what you need.
I downloaded and installed Star Office 4.0.  I haven't had much opportunity to 
study it, but I did find out that it will not load PowerPoint (*.ppt) files.  
I also checked on word processor files.  WinWord 6.0 and 95 are supported, 
though the files should not have been saved with the "Fast Save" option. I 
have received a number of files which I suspect are WinWord 97 for which I got 
the message "no filter available". Also, WordPerfect files are not recognized.

In summary, Star Office 4.0 looks like a nice office package, but its 
interoperability isn't super.

The Web site lists Star Office 5.0 features which include filters for Word 97, 
AmiPro, WordPro, WordPerfect, PowerPoint97, Excel 97, etc., etc.   Looks like 
a nice product but I couldn't tell if it is available yet and how much it 

One nice thing.  It doesn't violate the Debian scheme because it installs in 
the user's home directory.  On a real multi-user system, there is a 'net 
install' option, for which a deb package should be created, but I suspect that 
most Debian systems are really single user workstations.

Tom Kuiper
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Phone/fax:      (818) 354-5623/8895
WWW:            http://DSNra.JPL.NASA.gov/~kuiper/

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