Robert Alexander wrote:
> I just installed 2.0.34-3 source and make config did not mention the
> "DOS" flesystems .... also tried rm .config but they do not show up.
> kernel compiled and installed just fine and runs flawlessly but of
> course my
> mount -t vfat /dev/hdb6 /DATAFILES
> command failes with " ... vfat not supported by the kernel ... "
> linux/fs/filesystems.c mentions them ...
> What am I doing wrong ???? I would badly need support for vfat and if
> possible for FAT32 ... Thank you in advance for any help.
> --
> Robert Alexander - IBM Italy
> work e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> private     : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

        In menuconfig, under "FileSystems", when you turn on "Native Language
Support" you'll see the other options for DOS/WIN.


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