> > seems we have a problem here ... it relieves me from feeling totally
> > dumb. Anyone could suggest the SAFE way of setting things up for the
> > COLOUR Netscape ??? Thanks.
> >> Now I have
> >> running Netscape but it is black and white, and I don't know what to do 
> >> *sigh*.
> This wouldn't be the 24bpp bug? Netscape in 24bpp gets black/white
> icons... Switch X to 16 or 32 bpp and see if that works better...
> /Michael

        Michael's right.  Well I'll be... I just tried all 8,16,24, and 32 bpp
and in 24 bpp mode NS comes up in black & white.  Never knew about that
bug cause I never used 24bpp.  Its not you Christopher, blame it on NS!


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