Hello again <smile like child getting caught being naughty>

The boy sure has got himself into trouble now !!!

Having learned heaps by installing bo and then scattering files and other
odds and sods at random around my h/d I decided to start again - but this
time with hamm, having read on many occasions how stable hamm is.

Great set-up in hamm - the basic installation went like a dream

Being a home user at the moment I selected the home user download option (
~404Mb ), chose ftp as the install method, upgraded packages, bypassed
selection (as suggested) and went straight to install.

As i'm on a time-limited ISP the download was interrupted several time but
seemed to complete OK ( in about 8 hours @ 33,3K )

The configuration phase failed completely - apparently most of the
applications are seeking libg++.so.27 & libc5 and bitching about not
finding them.  Also had dependancy and conflict problems - probably caused
by an earlier package failing to install ???

I also got complaints about the device being full - on an 800Mb partition
am I running out of room ???

On the assumption that I messed something up - 8 hours later I had download
the whole lot again - and got the same problem (and, in the middle of the
night, didn't think to write down every one of the million+ errors - even
dselect gave up on me and sulked !)

It seems almost as if the default selection for dselect by choosing the
home user option is to load everything !

On the second installation, noting the problems, I chose 'select' from the
dselect menu, didn't do anything and went back to the menu - no dependancy
or conflict problems were pointed out.

1.  <truly stupid question deleted>

2.  Do i need to manually select packages to get libg++ and libc5?

3.  Maybe I should stick to bo (but, if hamm is going stable at "any minute
now" would I gain anything ?  would I lose much ?)

4.  There seems to be as many problems using autoup (gauging by this list)
so I have discounted installing bo for the sole purpose of upgrading to hamm

Thank you all for your help.


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