Running Debian 2.0beta and 2.0.34 with a cable-modem.  I'm in the
process of converting from modem ISP access to using this

I get a complete lock-up of Linux when I try to run both X11 and
dhcpcd.  I can run either one alone and things are fine.  But when I
start X, after dhcpcd, I see the X server spew stuff to the screen,
then the screen blanks, and SILENCE.  No X, no hard disk activity,

Does anyone have any ideas here?  Any suggestions on how to debug

BTW - dhcpcd did not configure correctly on my system.  It failed on
the postinst script.  And gave no expanation of the problem.  I ran
each part of the script by hand and got it configured.  


Mark Mabry

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