On Tue, Jul 07, 1998 at 10:27:30AM +0100, Graham Lillico +44 1785 248131 wrote:
> >> What I did was run the smailconfig program and chose option 2.  This 
> >> allows 
> >> you to specify the smarthost where all non-local mail is to be 
> >> transmitted. 
> >> When asked for a smarthost I gave the SMTP server that I get from my ISP.  
> >> That's what I have at home- is this what you are looking for?  Is this even
> >> the right way to go about it?
> >> The version I have is Smail- 1997-Feb-9 #2. (from sendmail -V)

I use the smarthost option; however, the "smailconfig" program does not
do the job correctly for a typical dial-up isp account.  The resulting
configuration fails when you want to send email to a user on your isp.
You have to edit "/etc/smail/config" to make that work.

> Does this setup allow Smail to queue all non-local mail, until the link to the
> ISP becomes available? 

Perhaps due to my ignorance, I could only get smail to queue _all_ mail
or queue _none_.  If none, then smail generates an error message
(observe with a "mailq") but queues the non-local mail until the system
does a "runq".  If all, then all mail is queued until a "runq".  The
only apparent difference for non-local mail "sent" while off-line is the
error message in the queue.

I use the "queue_only" option since I don't email myself often. :)
"runq" is executed frequently but only during ppp connections -- system
messages will still get delivered locally.

> How do you allow for the change of return email address when sending non-local
> mail? As wouldn't just setting the return address affect local mail as well. 

The following setup in /etc/smail/config, where "klis.com" is the domain
of the isp ("visible_name"), works to give the correct return address so
that replies can be routed through the isp pop-mail server (provided the
user name is the same on both systems -- without the intervention of
additional pop client configuration).  Local mail works fine this way.


  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Jack Kern   Yarmouth, Nova Scotia   Debian GNU/Linux 

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