> > Diald is already dialing when it should but the routing table is not
> > being updated.

   I've had the same problem.  Somewhere (either a HOWTO or a Linux Journal 
article) I
found advice about setting the routing manually.  This is what I'm doing now.

   In /etc/ppp/ip-up (the script) I put a
route del default
route add default $1
   in just above the run-parts line.  This forces the default route to be made.

   Similarly, in /etc/ppp/ip-down I do a
route del default
route add default gw metric 1
   also just before the run-parts command (perhaps that should be below it). is just my ISP's gateway IP number.

   Once doing this, this cleared up all of my diald routing problems.

> > Is there any problem with diald that prevents it from working out of the
> > box with Debian? Im using the "pon" command as the dialer in
> > diald.options.

   I found that using "pon" in /etc/diald/diald.options caused the link to 
after 30-60 seconds or so.  I had to adopt a more conventional script which 
uses just
chat and which doesn't call pppd.

   But I agree.  So many people rely on diald it should work more seamlessly 
pppd.  This is an area which many people want to use, but one which is 
frustrating for
newbies (and even semi-newbies like myself;-).

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