On Wed, Jul 08, 1998 at 02:14:29PM +0200, Matus fantomas Uhlar wrote:
> Hello,
> someone said autoup.sh will remove *-dev packages etc.

yes it will
> is there any way to upgrade to hamm w/o this ? if I just set up dselect to
> download from "hamm" directories and I'll start installing packkages, will
> that be enough ? 

Yikes no don't do that!
I mean..there isa chance that it will work...but a slim slim one
in fact AFAIK chances are much better you will "get burned".

I THINK if you get the bo version of apt and point it at hamm...then just
apt-get dist-upgrade it might be able to do it right...
(I have used dist-upgrade 2 times in the last 2 weeks...once to go up to
latest hamm..then to goto unstable (slink)...even over a modem it works well)

IMHO autoup.sh is the way to go...
once you have hamm up and running..THEN worry about getting the dev packages
back. I mean...the old dev packages and old libraries are ALL not hamm
compatible...so they would need to be replaced anyway


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