Fernando Fernandez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| Hi!
| I have a private mirror of debian in one of our servers so that I
| can install/update a machine fast with the *latest* versions.
| The problem is that I have not much disk space and I would like
| to keep the mirrored files to a minimum. With my current mirror
| configuration I seem to be mirroring two copies of "hamm", one
| in /hamm and other in /dists/hamm. 
| Are these directories both necessary? What is the minimum to have
| a Debian 2.0 full mirror?

A week or so ago this was all hashed out. I even sent a copy of my
mirror configuration file that only keeps a mirror of the frozen
distribution, and within that, only that portion relevant to the i386,
to debian-user. You might try the mailing list archive at
http://www.debian.org/Lists-Archive, although the search facility
doesn't always seem to catch things. My config file for mirror can be
found at


In summary, the recommended method of mirroring debian is using

<mirror root>/debian/dists/<your choice>

<mirror root> will vary depending on whether you mirror ftp.debian.org
directly, in which case <mirror root> is empty, or you use someone
else's mirror of that site. <your choice> is whatever version you want
to mirror. In my case <your choice> is frozen. Of course you could
leave <your choice> blank and get all the distributions.

Make sure you don't use flags_recursive+L in mirror unnecessarily
because this will flatten out symlinks and could easily cause you to
get duplications.


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