Keith Alen Vance wrote:
> I am going through a book on Linux programming. One of the examples does
> not work. I was wondering if someone could take a look at the script and
> see why it doesn't work. The program is exactly like the example from the
> book, in fact I downloaded it from the
> publisher of the book Beginning Linux Programming. The part that doesn't
> work is the list_tracks section.
> Thank You,
> Keith
> list_tracks() {
>   if [ "$cdcatnum" = "" ]; then
>     echo no CD selected yet
>     return
>   else
>     grep "$cdcatnum" $tracks_file > $temp_file
>     set $(wc -l $temp_file)
>     num_tracks=$1
>     if [ "$num_tracks" = "0" ]; then
>       echo no tracks found for $cdtitle
>     else {
>       echo
>       echo "$cdtitle :-"
>       echo
>       cut -f 2- -d , $temp_file
>       echo }| more
This look fishy.  Is this a typo on your part?

>     fi
>   fi
>   get_return
>   return
> }

Normal bourne shell syntax does not use { } for blocks of code.  You
just use, for....done, etc.  What error do you get when you run
this?  I have not grabbed the source and run it myself.

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