>Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 11:36:01 -0400
>From: "Stephen J. Carpenter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
>Subject: Re: xfstt
>On Thu, Jul 09, 1998 at 07:54:55AM -0700, Bill Bell wrote:
>> Will there be a more current version of xfstt in Debian 2.0?  I have 
>> been staying out of slink until I have a better handle on everything.  
>> xfstt 0.9.7-1 is the version I am seeing in Hamm today.
>I am sorry but no.
>I became the maintianer just after hamm went into code freeze, so I 
>upload a new version of the package unless it fixed major bugs...and
>their weren't any releace critical bugs against it.
>Also...these are new upstream versions...also a no no for code freeze.
>Now with 2.0 in Beta....the only place I can put changes at all would 
>be in slink...soo....
>the "up side" is that slink packages are pretty much interchangable 
>hamm packages. Unlike the bo->hamm upgrade...slink as of yet makes
>no major changes...
>in fact form a "currrent" hamm system...I only needed to 
>download 13 MB of files to make a current slink system (as of 2 days 
>of course the pitfalls mentioned before still apply to xfstt anyway 
>/* -- Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ------------------------------ 
>A favorite quote from a source I forget:
>"Only Microsoft can take an algorithim that has been under years of
>public scrutiny and weaken it to the point where the entire key space
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Thanks for the GOOD information.  Looks like I will be getting just a 
little "slink" ;-)

Bill Bell

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