On Fri, 10 Jul 1998, Damon Muller wrote:

> Can anyone offer any advice as to what is the most efficient way to
> download it, considering it will probably be interupted a few times. I
> don't plan on doing an FTP-install, I'll download it all to a local HD
> and install it from there.

Hm, if you can connect to the cheap account with PPP then use APT, it has
very good resume capabilities if you are using HTTP, I'm told FTP works
pretty well too..

What you'd do is edit /etc/apt/sources.list and point it at your mirror
then run
apt-get update
apt-get -fd dist-upgrade

After (several :>) days of this you will have all the needed files in
/var/cache/apt/archives. Remove -d and it will install them for you (in
the proper order, etc) and you'll be done.


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