> On Thu, 9 Jul 1998, Jeff Schreiber wrote:
> > >I'm with you. I think a larger subset of folks will screw this up. I'm sure
> > >it's an attempt to save a bit of bandwidth, but . . .
> > 
> >     Personally I think it's cool.  
> i agree. just cut and paste the line into an xterm window or console.
> what could be simpler?
> i think that it would be better like this, though:
>       echo unsubscribe | mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> it's simpler and easier to read (pipes don't confuse newbies anywhere near
> as much as < redirection of stdin). also serves as an example to teach
> newbies something about pipes and the Unix Way Of Doing Things. :-) 
As was mentioned here before, I think that there is still a problem with the 
Reply-To field. That is, some systems (like mine) has to had a Reply-To field 
because otherwise their name can not be recognized, and their unsubscribe 
request can't be processed.

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Reply via email to