>> "EM" == Edvard Majakari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>>>>> "KV" == Kenneth Valentine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

EM> I think it is not possible to create a file containing so called
EM> 'virtual provides', which would contain strings like 'mta, httpd,
EM> news-server' etc. This way, I can install Qmail on my own, put the
EM> appropriate string somewhere and debian would realize service (mta) is
EM> already provided.

Install equivs.deb and read /usr/doc/equivs/README.debian.

Then edit /etc/equivs.conf
cd /usr/src/equivs-<version>
fakeroot debian/rules binary
dpkg -i ../equivs*.deb


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