On 13-Jul-98 Richard E. Hawkins Esq. wrote:
> Is there a simple, easily usable, drawing package that's been debianized?
> I really don't need anything more complicated than venn diagram type stuff.  
> MacDraw 1.0 would more than meet my needs.  I've looked at gimp, which is 
> overkill (and annoying on an 8 bit display due to colormap demands), and
> tgif, 
> which seems to want to rotate my text and do other fancy stuff, as well as 
> being a bit awkward in the interface.

Try getting to grips with the "pic" preprocessor for troff (part of the groff
package). For the sort of thing you mention it should do what you want (tricky
to "fill" the overlapping parts of Venn diagrams at different grey-levels
however). You can output the result as PostScript and import it into your
document later (unless you use groff for the document itself, in which case you
can do it on-the-fly).

Best wishes,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 14-Jul-98                                       Time: 00:05:15

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